Turkey and Fennel Soup

Winter Warmers

A wholesome soup that will make a warming hearty lunch for all the family.

Serves: 5-6

Prep time: 10 mins


  • 2 ltrs of turkey stock - you can use our recipe here or use chicken stock

  • 3 fennel quartered (if you don’t have fennel, then you could use more celery or leave it out)

  • 400gms of cooked turkey meat cut into small chunks

  • 4 carrots, chopped

  • 4 sticks of celery, chopped

  • a bunch a tarragon

  • salt and pepper to taste

Top Tip

To make this more indulgent you could try adding a drop of your leftover Christmas cream right at the end - yum!
Also, soup is really easy to portion for the freezer. Line a freezer bag into a serving bowl and pour a serving of soup. Allow to cool before tying the bag up and packing into your freezer.


  1. Pour half of the stock into a deep pan and add the quartered fennel. Cook on a medium heat on the stove for 20 mins until the fennel is soft. Once cooked allow to cool and puree the fennel in a blender. You will have a smooth fennel base for the next part of the soup recipe.

  2. Pour the other half of the stock into the pan, add the remaining vegetables, turkey and half the tarragon. Simmer for 8 minutes or until the carrots and celery are firm but soft.


  1. Combine the 2 pans together stirring well. Finish by adding the remaining tarragon to garnish and serve.


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